Sunday, 14 June 2009

Viking Raids on Iona

Rachel presents her research about Viking raids on Iona by displaying very appealing and informative power point slides.

Erik The Red

Honor compares images of Erik the Red.

Viking Jewellery

Robyn made a poster to tell us all about Viking jewellery.
Leon tests out the strength of Viking chain mail at the Jorvik Centre in York!

A Viking Long House

The children in P5A were asked to work in groups to research different aspects of Viking life. Hayley made a model of a Viking Long House to demonstrate to the class how some Vikings lived.

Learning Wall

P5A at Mid Calder Primary School created a wall to show how they are going to learn about the Vikings.

Sunday, 10 May 2009





Who were the Vikings?

XIV Slavs and Vikings Festival Wolin 2008 During the days from 1th till 3th of August, XIV Slavs and Vikings Festival will be held in Wolin. The event is considered as one of the largest and most important events of this kind in Europe, every year it attracts one thousand participants from dozen European countries, as well as from United States and Australia. One of the main organizers of the event is association Slavs and Vikings Wolin - Jomsborg - Vineta Center. During the festival, guests will be able to see, among others, Slav races and Vikings ships, theatre productions, Slavs and Vikings battle, presentation of early medieval crafts, cooking and Slavs and Vikings camp, Slavic wedding ceremony, sea battle, slaves market, horse fighting, the presentation of Slavic myth about the creation of the world, and even a competition for the most dignified beard. The event ends on Sunday and is closed by performance of ancient music. The festival is accompanied by IVth International Scientific Session of the History of Baltic Sea People. 1500 participants from Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Belarus, Russia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Germany, Moldova, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, England, USA and Australia will take part in this event. Wikingowie- rozbójnicy, podróżnicy, odkrywcy. Lud, którego w okresie wczesnego średniowiecza bali się wszyscy mieszkańcy przybrzeżnych miast i wiosek od Wysp Brytyjskich po Półwysep Iberyjski i dalej na Morzu Śródziemnym po Półwysep Apeniński, a także tych położonych w głębi lądu gdzie z biegiem rzek docierały wikińskie łodzie. Wyprawy zdobywcze na szeroką skalę zaczęli podejmować w VIII wieku. W ciągu 400 lat opanowali znaczną część Anglii, we Francji podbili jej północne tereny i osiedlili się na nich (Normandia), podjęli podróże przez Zatokę Ryską na Ruś i dalej do Bizancjum, usadowili się także w Południowych Włoszech i na Sycylii, a na północy zagarnęli Wyspy Owcze, Szetlandy, Orkady, Hebrydy oraz Islandię. Później w X wieku z Islandii wyruszyli do Grenlandii a stamtąd na zachód do Ameryki Północnej jako pierwsi odkrywcy tego kontynentu. W drugiej połowie IX wieku Wikingowie od piractwa zaczęli przechodzić do kolonizacji. Grupy osadników z Norwegii podążały na Orkady, Szetlandy, Islandię. Z kolei Duńczycy kierowali się w bardziej zaludnione rejony do Anglii i Francji zaś Szwedzi na wschód do Finlandii, na południowy i wschodni Bałtyk a także przez Rosję do Bizancjum oraz do Morza Kaspijskiego i do Bagdadu. Piotr Jakubiak Marek Kopiec

Vikings in Poland

Originally pagan worshipers of Thor and Odin, many became Christians, and during the 10th century they brought Christianity back to Scandinavia Whilst the term 'Vikings' is used throughout these pages, it is a generic term used to mean anyone of Scandinavian descent. The word Viking has several meanings. The most usual being a 'pirate', and as such it could be equally well applied to any sea-going raider, even a Saxon, Frankish or Frisian one! Not that it was how the Vikings regarded themselves if you ever had the gall to ask. From the Norse, the term was used in the form of 'to go a-viking', making it sound more like a family day out. I suppose it depends on your point of view. The other common translation is 'a man of the bays or inlets' which comes from the name for the fjords in the area called 'Viks', and in this sense it is generally applied to the Scandinavians. The term Viking covers the Norse (Norwegians), Danes, Svear (Swedes), Rus (Russian Vikings), Anglo-Danes, Anglo-Norse, Hiberno-Norse, Icelanders, and Greenlanders.

Friday, 8 May 2009

P5B's Viking Research Jigsaw

P5B's Viking jigsaw research activity

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Off to Scarborough!

Many of the pupils from primaries 4 and 5 are off to Scarborough this week. Based on the work they have been doing in class, they will be finding out more about the Romans in Britain by visiting Vindolanda, where they will see a Roman fort and the settlement by Hadrian’s Wall. Pupils and staff will also go to the Jorvik Viking Centre in York, where they can journey back to a reconstruction of York in the year AD 975. During their visit to York, the children will be able to do some archaeological research of their own when visiting ARC, archaeological research centre. This is just an example of some of the activities they will be experiencing.

Monday, 20 April 2009

P5 at Mid Calder Primary

Here is primary five with some of their Viking books needed for research. Primary five are doing some research on the internet. Primary five are now about to begin their Viking project.